How you can use Danapad V3?
Electronic code lock Danapad V3 is compatible with all version of smart electronic safety locks Danalock V3, except a set with HomeKit protocol. It will be used by everyone who appreciates more flexible access to the house, apartment or office via Danapad codes. This gadget will not only make more space in your bag, but you will appreciate it every time, when you need to go out without any things.
Danapad V3 has very elegant design and minimal size (the whole device is just a little larger than the ice-hockey puck. It is designed for any extreme weather - Keyboard functionality is ensured in both hot or cold weather. It resists the effects of salt, fog and rain.
How to put the code lock into operation?
Instalace Danapadu nezanechá žádné stopy na vašich dveřích ani nevyžaduje úpravy vstupních prostor. Na dostupném místě v Bluetooth dosahu zámku (přibližně 5 m) umístěte Danapad s pomocí montážní pásky, nebo 2 vrutů.
Danapad installation will not make any changes on your door and doesn´t require any modifications of an entrance area. Place the Danapad on an accessible place in the Bluetooth range of the lock (approx. 5 m) with a mounting tape or 2 screws.
Danapad V3 connects to the lock via the Bluetooth using the encryption algorithm. Each quest then controls the smart lock via the assigned PIN code. Manage your codes in the easy-to-read Danalock app, which is free to download for iOS and Android. The rest is already provided by the smart Danalock V3 lock.
Code lock supports up to 20 PIN codes, which you can create in Danalock app. Every member of household or family chooses a code from 4 to 10 digits. Smart phone control, of course, remains unchanged, so you can be sure if you forget your PIN or vice versa if your phone is discharged.
Summary of features and technical specifications
Compatible with safety locks Danalock V3
NOT compatible with Danalock V3 Bluetooth & HomeKit version (comparison of compatibility of different Danalock V3 versions)
Lenght of PIN code: 4-10 digits
Memory for up to 20 different PIN codes
Dimensions 35 mm x 82 mm
4x AAA battery
Bluetooth interface 4.2
Weight 120 g
Security level encryption without AES 256 smart home protocol
Security level encryption with smart home protocol AES 128
Installation with mounting tape or 2 screws (not included)
Package contents
Danapad V3
Mounting pad
2 screws, 2 dowels
Instructions for Danapad mounting (PDF)
The world leader in the development and manufacture of smart locks and safety accessories Danalock is still a family company owned by a father and a son, the Overgaards. A team based in Denmark has been developing and refining smart locks for home and commercial sphere for more than 10 years.
The company’s global footprint is reflected in an extensive experience with various types of doors, locking systems and technologies. All models apart from the smart technologies are connected by an unexpected user comfort and superior safety.
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